Launching the official Codestack website

April 28, 2020 - Steven Roeland

Today marks the launch of the official Codestack website!

It will serve as a place to find more information about the company values and achievements as well as information about myself, Steven Roeland, owner and main force behind the Codestack brand. As a matter of fact, I would encourage you to read more about the company values, get a good overview of my technical resume and if you have any question, or want to get in touch, don't hesitate to contact me.

Along with the main site we are also launching the Codestack blog.

For years now I have been keeping track of "Things to blog about" but never took the time to actually translate these snippets into articles to share with fellow developers. The launch of the website seemed like the perfect time to change this around. This will be a work in progress but in the future, you can expect tech related articles about the technologies I'm currently experimenting with, conferences I attended, things that kept me up debugging all night and much more.

That being said, adding action to word, I will share a bit more technical details about the technologies I used to build the site. I'm planning to do a more in-depth article about some of the technologies so consider this a sneak preview:

Last but not least I would like to point out that the website launch is part of a general branding evolution for Codestack. This process has been in the making for quite some time now and could not have been possible without the services of my excellent design team.

And with that, I would like to thank you for reading this first blog post.

I hope to welcome you here for another one.

Kind regards,